
Friday, January 31, 2014

Getting Crafty

This past week we've spent a lot of time indoors since it's been chilly outside and we have been passing around a cold.

Anyway, it has given me a lot of time to do some crafting (this heart pillow may have to stay out past Valentines!), but more than that - it's given me time to organize my blog and update the tabs on the top.

I wanted to share the fun projects with people who are interested - but without bombarding those non-crafty people who would rather just come here and read about my crazy grocery store adventures  and four boys that are sometimes sweet and sometimes silly.

Anyway, I've created pages for each category (home decor / parties/ etc.) These won't show up on your blogroll or RSS feed, so you will have to click on the category above.  I'll continue to update these pages as I finish a new projects - which is when  inspiration and nap times line up and no other chores or PTA projects get in the way. :)

Most the projects I do are pretty self- explanatory from the pictures, but shoot me a note if you have a question.

(The newest projects will always be at the top).


Anonymous said...

Very cute!!

Love you,

Betty said...

I love the pillow! I do not have any children at home and I bought a building for my own little shop. I still cannot get out there and get anything done. I'm so impressed that you have 4 children, a dog and a husband and you still get so much crafting done. I don't know how you do it!