This is obviously another set of old pictures. Because Lord knows it hasn't snowed lately. In fact, the "cold front" that just came through was just a teaser that left all of Dallas rejoicing that there was finally a break in the triple digit temperatures.
These pictures are relevant (though old) because they are the last reminder that it may, just MAY cool down again one day.
The final cold spell this year just happened to fall on my thirtieth birthday. The birthday festivities also included and 80's themed party and Jeff sporting a 'stache and jorts. The pictures will not disappoint you, trust me.
I think it was the first time in history it has snowed on my birthday (in Dallas or Houston). And it didn't just sort of snowed mounds and mounds of nice wet, mold-able snow.
To top things off, the neighbors did all the hard work building the igloo but we got to enjoy it. They also provided the boys with sno-cones made with real life snow. Probably not the most sanitary snack , but good nonetheless.
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