
Sunday, August 13, 2006

I Need Some Benadryl…

Because I’m getting the itch….the seven year itch, that is.


In all sincerity, I really have no idea why people say that. After seven years, I am happier, more in love than ever. I will try not to make this a super-sappy-make-the-single-people-want-to-vomit type of blog, but I do want to acknowledge how truly blessed I am. I know that tomorrow, I will be faced with typical anniversary questions… “What did he get you?” “What did you get him?” To which I always go into some long, drawn out detail about how it is really not what he gets me on anniversaries, birthdays, valentines, etc. that make me realize how lucky I am to be married to such a great guy. It is how he treats me the other 360 days a year that I cherish as a gift. That’s when I usually realize that I am rambling way more than I need to and sounding like I am covering for him. So let me just put it out there right now…I didn’t get him anything, he didn’t get me anything, I don’t have the itch, he doesn’t have the itch, no we didn’t get married at 12, yes we did go to Disney World on our honeymoon (a few other expected questions tomorrow).

I honestly think goofiness is what keeps the marriage alive! Today we bought Davis a push-toy and we showed him the “track” in our house (through the kitchen, through the dining room, and back through the living room). We then proceeded to race each other to see who could get the best time. Jeff = 7.37 seconds, Lisa = 7.56 seconds, Hayden = 9.58 seconds, Davis and the walker 26.20 seconds. I wonder how many other people race through their house on a Sunday afternoon J!

So, thank you Jeff for being such a great, goofy, husband and wonderful father. I love you…and can’t wait to spend the next 7 years…make that 70 years with you.

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